Big Names Talk at E-WORDS Event in Siena

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January 17th 2019 – Siena (IT)

Aula Magna Rettorato (location changed to Polo Mattioli)

Time: 10:00 – 17:00 (CET)

In line with Europe for Citizens aims, this meeting/debate addresses students and citizens to promote a reflection on the issue of racial discrimination from a multidisciplinary point of view (law, ethics and biology).

Enzo Cheli (Emeritus Judge of the Italian Supreme Court), Massimo Cacciari (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, former member of the EU Parliament, former mayor of Venice) and Gad Lerner (one of the best known Italian journalists) will take the floor.

Students and citizes will then take part in the debate to follow.

The repeated episodes of intolerance, and sometimes even violence, towards foreigners, migrants and Roma, which characterise the social reality of contemporary Italy, can not be underestimated.

They pose questions about the tolerant and pluralistic nature of the Italian society and about the danger of establishing discrimination in Italy based on racial or ethnic origins.

The issue of racial discrimination is complex and requires that students and citizens pay attention to it and seriously reflect on it, not only on the basis of the news in social media, but also in the light of objective, legal, ethical and scientific information.

Visit E-WORDS FB page to know more and see the Rector of the University of Siena, prof. Francesco Frati, presiding over the 1st session.